Three Instances When You Can Field Fertility Questions with an Eloquent "Heh..."!

The world wants in on the juicy scoop of when you are going to finally pop out that first (or next) baby! Our editors have researched responses and conducted interviews and found that the best way to respond to concerned acquaintances is with a kind "HEH...!".   Keep reading for three instances where a timely "HEH" can save the day by acknowledging the concern of the asker while also eloquently saving them from coming up with a response to cover the shame of your infertility.

When a Coworker says, "You have so much PTO! Are you having kids soon?"

"HEH!" you can bellow in response, like a flock of geese being chased out of a parking lot by a Safeway driving student. 

When your mom's friend says, "Wow! You are 28? I had kids at 22. You should probably get started soon!"

"HEH," you can answer kindly, and then fill your mouth with that seven layer dip she brought that made the conversation almost worth it.

When your friend says, "If you had a kid you could join our mom's group!" 

"Heh..." you can reply and then thank God that you are actually infertile on the down-low.
