
Showing posts from August, 2020

Nice! God Declares Porn O.K. During Fertility Treatments

Local Circumcised Man with Low Sperm Count Refusing to Shave

Dumb Sperm Lost and Won't Ask For Directions

Embarrassing! Cool Blastocyst Would Rather Die Than Implant in Your Uterus

Three Instances When You Can Field Fertility Questions with an Eloquent "Heh..."!

"I'm Fine," Declares Privileged Infertile Woman

Do You Have PCOS? If You Have ALL the Symptoms on This Infographic, You Might

A Scientific Graph For the Two Week Wait

Baby's College Fund Now Just a Tin Cup and Fingerless Gloves

Woman Casually Doodles a Sperm in the Sand to See if Acquaintance Is Also Infertile

Trending: The Link Between Demon Sperm and Infertility

Heartwarming! Disheveled Mother Says You Can Have Her Children

Inspiring! Woman Produces a Summer Garden That Is the Opposite of the Barren Landscape That Is Her Womb

Brave! Woman Goes On a Light Jog During the Two Week Wait

How To Woo A Pregnant Teen So You Can Raise Her Cool Baby

Verify- Does Your LH Test Have Resting Bitch Face?

Is Your Nausea An Early Pregnancy Symptom Or Just The Pineapple Rind You Ate For Breakfast?

How To Recycle Old Needles By Filling Them With Your Tears and Injecting Them Into The Hearts of Those Who Don't Get It